Kurinji Michael In Inclusive Diversity Diversity Lessons From The Movie: The Great Indian Kitchen Society is progressing towards inclusive diversity in several aspects. But we need to understand that a family forms the foundation...Read More
Viji Hari In Employee Assistance Program Simple tips to stay optimistic : Coping with the Pandemic 2020 had hit us all below the belt with a new virus, strangling us inside our homes with Lockdowns. Many...Read More
Hemansh Tandon In PoSH Confidentiality- PoSH Acts Promise For Victim’s Safeguard When an employee is subjected to sexual harassment at work, it can be a humiliating and traumatic experience. The victims...Read More
Viji Hari and Rubeena Parveen Ansari In PoSH Cyber Space Awareness | Ways To Protect From Cyber Crime | CecureUs Transcripts from the webinar conducted for CecureUs by Pattathil Dhanya Menon, a Cyber-crime investigator, on the 16th of April, 2021....Read More
Hemansh Tandon In PoSH Definition Of Workplace As Per The PoSH Act, 2013 It is often presumed that the word 'workplace' is quite self-explanatory, and it doesn't need an article in its interpretation....Read More
Viji Hari In Inclusive Diversity, Vlogs Impact of Bias at Workplace What is Bias? Are Biases Good or Bad? Are you Biased? Am I biased? How does it impact our work?… Read More
Hemansh Tandon In PoSH Case Law on Malicious Complaint under the PoSH Act As we all know, The PoSH law, or the Prevention Of Sexual Harassment(PoSH) Act, was passed in India in the...Read More