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Importance of posters on POSH Act

By January 13, 2023Blogs, PoSHViews: 9719

Why POSH Posters? 

The PoSH Act, 2013, sec 19(b) mandates that every employer / IC committee display the penal consequences of sexual harassment and the constitution of the Internal committee. By Displaying posters you are prohibiting sexual harassment at workplace.  Please remember even interviewing candidates or visitors need to be protected in your workplace. The posters need to be accessible to them with the POSH Committee contact details.

Benefits of PoSH Display Posters:

  • Creates Awareness among the employees, Visitors
  • Victims will know where and how to complaint
  • Penal consequences of sexual harassment
  • Having the latest IC member details helps employees to easily approach the committee.

Where to display a poster?

  • Display them in conspicuous areas like the lobby, cafeteria, elevators, etc.
  • Display in areas where employees and visitors will have access. Please remember even interviewing candidates or visitors need to be protected in your workplace.
  • To be displayed in every branch office where there are more than 10 employees.
  • To be displayed by all stores, institutions, hospitals, organizations, private or public.   

Sample format of poster:

  • Please find below a sample PoSH poster. Kindly update the common email id, your company logo and IC member’s details in the Poster.
  • Print the posters in A4 or A3 size sheets and display them in conspicuous areas like the lobby, cafeteria, elevators, etc.

Are you Compliant?

  • Does your poster have the latest IC names and their updated contact details?
  • Have you displayed it in all your branch locations in conspicuously?

If Yes, please reply to this email and confirm to us. Please reach out to us for any queries on posters or compliance to POSH.

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