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Beyond the 6 Colours

By June 18, 2021July 2nd, 2022Inclusive DiversityViews: 1013

Majority of us are familiar with the Pride flag. During the pride month, the six-color rainbow flag can be seen all over the stores, malls, social media and brands re-colouring their logo to match the six coloured flag. While the rainbow flag serves as a unifying symbol for all LGBTQ+ individuals, certain aspects of the Pride community have their own flags. ?Over the years, several groups, genders, and identities have created their own flags to raise awareness of their own needs and experiences. These flags give the communities a sense of representation, pride, visibility, belongingness, support and power.

That's what flags are for. Flags are about proclaiming power ... that visibility is the key to our success and to our justice.

Gilbert Baker