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Kickstart your emotional wellness journey today with our Employee Assistance Program!

Seeking help is not a sign of weakness; It is a sign of strength!
You are not alone! It is ok to seek help.

For a holistic mental health & wellbeing

    There is hope even when your brain tells you there isn’t – John Green

    The IT industry is driven by the need for continuous innovation and progress. This constant dire need for new ideas has led to cut-throat competition among employees in many organizations. Globally, employees face challenges in meeting targets and deadlines and self- development on their professional front and relationship struggles, work-life balance, family and health issues on the personal front. As an add-on, the uncertainty and emotional trauma induced by the covid-19 pandemic have taken a toll on the mental wellness of employees. With a drastic shift in the workplace environment and the fading demarcation that has almost merged home and workplace together, undoubtedly, there is mounting stress, fear, and anxiety in employees’ lives. Several employees across organizations are battling a spectrum of mental health issues. Thanks to the taboo around mental health, often, these are ignored.

    At this juncture, it becomes an organization’s sole responsibility to shoulder and provide the much-needed and stable assistance for an employees’ emotional wellbeing. This is where we step in!

    Mental health of employees has never been more important!


    Indian employees suffer from mental health issues


    Employees working from home reported feelings of anxiety


    CecureUs Employee Assistance Program has been structured and designed to care for
    employees' emotional wellness.

    One on One Counselling

    One-one counselling assistance for diagnosed mental health issues with 100 percent assured confidentiality for employees and their immediate family, both at the workplace and online.

    Wellness Workshops

    Curated workshops and training programs for employee wellness with expert and trained psychologists both at the workplace and online.

    When Employee Assistance Program becomes a part of your organization, you see

    Decrease in Absenteeism at the workplace

    Increase in Productivity & team engagement

    Reduction in claims & health costs for all employees

    Reduction in costs related to employee turnover

    Increase in team morale in the workplace

    Reduction in Accidents & Grievances

    Retention of organization’s talent pool

    Innovation and growth

    Impact of Employee Assistance Program

    According to The American Institute of Stress, about 33 percent of people report feeling extreme stress in their daily lives. 77 percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health. 73 percent of people have stress that impacts their mental health. These general statistics can be applied to employees as well.

    Our sessions have a tremendous impact on stress, sleep., anxiety, and work-life balance. Whether one-to-one counselling for several diagnosed mental health issues or the troubles that employees face in their day-to-day lives, our experienced psychologists have the expertise to tackle them all. For diagnosed mental health issues, our experts work towards bringing the employee into their comfort zone, building rapport and trust, before proceeding with the line of treatments. These patients have reported a 20% improvement in just 3

    For sleep and anxiety-related issues, the techniques employed by our psychologists can provide remarkable results in just two to three sessions. Employees have reported better work-life balance, 50 to 55% reduced anxiety and stress, and improved sleep with two sittings.

    Holistic Wellness Workshops

    Emotional Wellbeing

    Covid-19 response &
    emotional healing


    Work-Life Balance


    Fitness &


    Managing Relationships


    Special workshops like art-based therapy, psychodrama, EFT, etc., to promote employee wellbeing

    It is Okay to Seek Help

    A book that signifies the essence of mental health and employee wellness through a collection of real-life incidents as shared by expert psychologists from all over India. Curated by Viji Hari, our CEO, the book highlights various mental health issues, their identification and treatment processes, and how having a good and accessible Employee Assistance Program at the workplace can pilot your organization’s success and keep your employees satisfied.

    More about the book

    Collaborate with us to transform employees' lives and create a secure and harmonious workplace!

    Grow with an emotionally healthy team that genuinely cares for an individual's emotional health!

    Visit our EAP Portal